Senin, 20 Agustus 2012

Natural Ways To Minimize Pores

The pores are openings on the skin, allowing the oil by the sebaceous glands of the skin and make the pore look bigger. While the pores serve a purpose, to maintain healthy skin, large pores may disappointing your appearance. With natural home remedies you can easily reduce the pore size.


The first is obviously you should keep your skin clean. By doing this, you will minimize the appearance of your enlarged pores. When you have excess dirt and oil in the pores, you make them appear much larger.
You should wash your face at least twice daily, once in the morning and before bedtime at night. There are a number of different products Pore Reducer you can considered, the operation of the product generally clean your facial skin.

Remove your makeup before bedtime. If you go to sleep at night with your makeup, you doing a lot of harm  with your face. You should always clean your face before going to bed.


Exfoliation is one of the best ways to reduce pore size. Scrub helps clear the pores from oil and dead skin cells.  Oil and dead skin cells are the  causes of enlarged pores

You can make your own scrub at home with materials found in the house. Examples include the addition of water and oatmeal paste. You can also apply to wet skin and gently rub the sea salt on the skin.

Avoid exfoliating more than once a week, though. More information can damage the skin and makes pores start making more oil.


Lowing pores temperature can reduce it temporarily. According to the Book of Doctors for home remedies, milk contains alpha hydroxy acid known as lactic acid. Lactic acid can promote cell renewal and helps soothe the skin.

Soak a cloth in cold milk. Wring the contact of the excess liquid, then cold compresses on the face, with five to 10 minutes. Rinse your face with cold water to remove excess facial. Although this is constructed as a temporary solution, they reach the pores and make the air longer be avoided.


The application of a mask can help reducing enlarged pore in cheap way. You can make a pore minimizer mask at home with easy and cheap ingredients in your  refrigerator. There are many recipe combinations including  tomatoes, honey bees  grapes, strawberries, banana etc.

1 komentar:

  1. Superb post and nice blog, I saw excellent post also about Natural Ways to Minimize Pores
    Natural Ways to Minimize Pores
